2022 年寒假已到来,为确保同学们度过一个安全、愉快和充实的假期,请注意以下事项:
All international students in Shaanxi Province:
The winter vacation of 2022 has started. To ensure you have a safe, enjoyable and fulfilling vacation, please pay attention to the following points:
During the special period of pandemic, students shall not leave Xi'an. If it is necessary to leave Xi'an under special circumstances ( just like after graduation and returning to hometown), students must ask for leave from the teachers.
All students are required to fill in the information on time everyday. If you experience any symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, diminished sense of smell and taste, stuffy or runny noses, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain and diarrhoea, please report to teachers at the first time, go to the designated hospital wearing disposable medical masks or masks of higher grade (masks with breathing valves are prohibited) and avoid using public transportation during medical treatment.
Please wear masks properly whenever going out,reduce gatherings and keep a reasonable social distance during the holiday.
Pay attention to the safety of fire and electricity. Please use stoves, microwaves, etc. at designated places. Flammable and explosive materials (alcohol,gas,etc.)are forbidden in the dormitory.
5、安全驾驶。根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》,未取得机动车驾驶证驾驶机动车以及驾驶无证无牌机动车的, 将处 2000 元以下罚款,同时根据情况可以并处十五日以下拘留。
In China, driving a motor vehicle without a Chinese driving license or driving an unlicensed motor vehicle will be fined up to RMB 2000 and detained up to 15 days.
6、紧急情况的处理。如遇紧急情况,第一时间与老师联系, 同时拨打 110(公安报警)、120(救护车)、119(火警)。
When you encounter emergencies, contact with teachers and directly dial 110(police),120(ambulance), 119 (firemen).
Please check the notice from school in time and keep your mobile , We chat and other contacts available.
徐老师: Miss Xu (微信 WeChat:lucia1126)
国际教育学院 2022 年 1 月 22 日
School of International Education
January 22nd, 2022
We wish you have a nice holiday!